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Movement with ME

Customized Movement Coaching for Chronic, Energy-Limiting Illnesses & Chronic Pain Conditions
Specializing in ME/CFS, Long COVID, Fibromyalgia, Dysautonomia, EDS, RA, Lyme, & otheAutoimmune Diseases

The Coaching Philosophy:

Exercise is NOT the answer, but Movement IS Medicine.

The benefits of movement are vast and undeniable: easing pain, strengthening muscles, boosting mood, balancing the nervous system, protecting joints, improving blood flow to the brain and body. We can even use movement to tap into the body's natural abilities to heal, adapt, and become more resilient. However, just like with medicine, movement needs to be tailored to work with each individual’s unique health conditions, abilities, limitations, and stressors. Through a holistic and customized coaching approach, my clients will better learn how to listen to their bodies and safely incorporate movement in order to build confidence in their abilities and improve their quality of life.

Monthly 1:1 Coaching Services


Jumpstart Program

A 4-week jumpstart program designed to leave you feeling empowered in your healing journey through a customized movement program and a weekly 30-minute coaching call via Zoom.

Everything that is included in Level 2 is also included in Level 1. Clients can downgrade upon completion.

Cost: $280 USD


Daily Review

A custom movement program delivered weekly via the TrueCoach app with regular coach-initiated feedback, unlimited client-initiated messaging, and unlimited movement plan modifications (Monday-Friday). Coaching calls can be scheduled for a discounted rate of $30 USD per 30 minutes.

Cost: $180/month USD


Weekly Review

A custom movement program delivered via the TrueCoach app with a weekly log review and coach-initiated contact. Includes one client-initiated message or movement plan modification per week (Monday-Friday). 

Coaching calls can be scheduled for a discounted rate of $30 USD.

Cost: $120/month USD

About Your Coach

My name is Julie Hunter, and I have been a part of the health & fitness coaching world for over a decade. After earning a Bachelor's Degree in Exercise Science from Virginia Commonwealth University, I went on to become a certified cycling coach, ACE Certified Personal Trainer, Sports Performance Specialist, Orthopedic Exercise Specialist, and TRX Qualified Coach. While I specialized in Endurance Performance Coaching for many years, it was my own battle with ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia, MCAS, POTS, and multiple TBIs that eventually encouraged me to turn my attention towards helping those affected by invisible, chronic illnesses and chronic pain. 


Between my education, coaching career, and personal health journey, I have acquired an overwhelming amount of knowledge and insight that allows me to help individuals with chronic illnesses learn how to safely incorporate movement and improve their quality of life. This isn’t something I would be able to do if I had never felt what it’s like to struggle to do simple things like speak, hold a phone to text, roll over in bed, reach for a glass of water, or walk across the room. As painful as it was, I am grateful to have been able to understand a level of suffering, fear, and hopelessness that most people will never know. It would truly be a privilege to be part of your movement and healing journey. 


Julie Hunter


Chronic Illness Movement Coach

ACE Certified Personal Trainer

Orthopedic Exercise Specialist

Sports Performance Specialist


"I cannot overstate how helpful working with Julie has been for me. Just a few months ago, I was basically scared to move and felt pretty hopeless. Now I feel confident in my body and what it's telling me it needs. My world has opened up so much thanks to Julie's gentle approach to both movement and mindset."


"The tailored movement program was invaluable to my progress from wheelchair-dependent to taking a little walk 3 times a week. I could hardly believe how much stronger and more confident I felt  in my body within just a few months, and I feel I have a better understanding of how and when to safely increase activity."


"I definitely recommend working with you, as it's an easy and flexible approach. It helped me realize that movement was possible and helpful. I learned a lot about how to deal with the illness on a day to day basis. I felt encouraged to keep on being brave and try a new way if there were any setbacks."


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